Congratulations to Brother Tim Wheeler on your new appointment as Business Representative! We know you’ll do your best for the members! Good luck Congratulations to Brother Josh Ihlenfield [...]
Congratulations to Business Representative (Retired) Fred Hufgard! We wish you the best for a long and happy retirement. Wishing you and Lisa the best from the Officers and members of Plumbers [...]
Kira Krivosh- CMP Judge- Term ending 12/31/2026 Kevin Kelley- CMP Judge- Re-Elect Joy Kennedy- CMP Judge- Term ending 1/10/2025 Joan Synenberg- CMP Judge-Re-Elect John Spellacy- CMP Judge- Term [...]
Thank you Brother Paul Hobson for your service on the Executive Board, you will be missed. Congratulations Brother Tim Wheeler on your appointment to the Executive Board, we know you will do a [...]
Congratulations to the following Brothers and Sisters in the 2022 Elections for Office in Plumbers Local 55. The following will be sworn in at the JULY Union Meeting: President- Michael Redlin [...]
On Monday, May 23rd from 5-7PM, we will be hosting a retirement/pension meeting for members ages 50 and younger at the union hall. This meeting is to help members plan ahead for their retirement [...]
On Thursday Feb. 24, 2022 from 5:00-7:00p, we will be hosting a retirement meeting for members who are going to retire in the near future. all members are welcome, but we recommend the members [...]
Congratulations to Brother Mike Redlin for his appointment to the Joint Conference Committee! Good luck brother, we know you will do a great job representing the members!
Congratulations to the members who will be representing Plumbers Local 55 at the 40th National UA Convention as delegates. Paid Officers are automatic delegates, but the following were elected to [...]
Congratulations to Brother Rico Lopez for being appointed as a new S.U.B. Fund Trustee and to Brother Burt “Bucky” Skeel for being appointed as an Alternate Trustee. Thank you [...]
Congratulations Brother Andrew Hancovsky on your appointment as a new DCRP Trustee! We have the utmost confidence in your dedication, and we know you will do a great job for the members!
Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are all staying healthy and safe. We are in unprecedented times and need to do things differently until we can get some normalcy back in our lives. With that [...]
Congratulations to our Softball team. Cleveland Building Trades tournament champions. B division. We would also like to thank all of the members and families that showed their support all [...]
Please Join us for our Annual Plumbers Local 55 Golf Outing on Saturday August 10th at Springvale Golf Course & Ballroom. You can get your tickets at the hall, or call one of the members on [...]
Come join us to march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade! The Trolley will be at the hall for transportation to and from the parade. If you plan to meet downtown, we will line up near 18th and [...]
Brothers and sisters, We are pleased to announce that starting on January 1, 2019, the Elective Deferral process will begin. In order to prepare for this, we will be holding a Membership DCRP [...]
CMSD has added another pipeline program that can help career-technical students from Max S. Hayes High School land high-paying jobs in their trade. An agreement that the District signed Thursday [...]
We would like to welcome brother Josh Spinner onto the Executive Board and brother Paul Hobson onto the Examining Board. Good luck brothers, we know you will serve the Local well.
Brothers and sisters, our annual Wellness Day will be at the Union Hall on Saturday September 22, 2018 from 10a-2p. Refreshments and light food will be served. Get your Biometrics done at the [...]
Brothers and sisters, we are sorry to report the passing of the following Brothers Brother Fred Mazzola, Brother Richard Broz, Brother William Forrester, Brother James Govang, and Brother Fred [...]
Brothers and sisters, we are sorry to report the passing of Brother James “Dutchie” Hinkel and Brother Richard Mayich. They will be missed by many. Rest in Peace, Brothers.
Brothers and sisters, we would like to send our condolences to the Dougherty family. Brother Ed Dougherty, a 75 year member of Plumbers Local 55 passed away on Tuesday January 23, 2018. May you [...]
Brothers and sisters, we are very sorry to report that we’ve lost a great Union Brother and Retired Business Agent, Mike Prebish Sr. Rest in Peace Brother MICHAEL P. PREBISH, SR. [...]
Brother and sisters, we would like to welcome the following brothers to their newly appointed positions. John Suchy (H&W Trustee), Charles Tobia (Pension Trustee), Jeff Roland (Executive [...]
Brothers and sisters, we are sorry to report the passing of Brother Nicholas Ianetta, Brother Richard C. Hudak, and Brother William C. Taylor. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to their friends and [...]
Brothers and sisters, We will be hosting our Membership Pension Q&A Meetings on Thursday Dec 7th at 5:30p and on Tuesday Dec 12th at 5:30p at the Union Hall. Please try to attend one or both [...]
Congratulations to Lily Wittlock (Brother Gary Wittlock’s daughter) on her 3rd place finish in the Plumbers Local 55 Soap Box Derby car!! Her next race is on December 9-10 at the Summit [...]
Brothers and sisters, we are sorry to report the loss of the following brothers- Michael Condrich, Albert Sabo, Thomas Czerny, Jack Koch, and Dennis Blankenburg. Rest in Peace brothers.
Brothers and sisters, we are sorry to report the passing of Brother James Gallagher and Brother Matthew Bliss. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to their friends and families. Rest in peace brothers.
We are sorry to report the passing of Brother Louis LaRiche and Brother George Hrudka. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to their family and friends. Rest in peace Brothers
As the costs of providing health insurance continue to rise, employers have soughtwith limited successto find options to hold down costs. One of the few promising approaches in an otherwise [...]
Nearly 2000 people rode their bikes on Saturday, July 22, to raise money for Cancer Research. The 4th Velosano “Ride for the Cure” is a major community event with 100% of every dollar raised is [...]
Congratulations to Brother Ricky Gray and his girlfriend Brooke Mcglocklin on the birth of their baby girl Avianna! Avianna is also the granddaughter of Business Manager Shawn Gray and [...]
We will be having our annual Pin Ceremony Presentation this year at the September Union Meeting, we present members with their UA pins representing years of membership in our Local Union. Members [...]