2017-2018 Educational Year

1. The MANDATORY CONTINUING EDUCATION for the contract year of May 1st 2017 -April 30th 2018 is 8 Hours of any Plumbing Related Course(s ).

2. The JATC have courses that are scheduled and to be scheduled for the upcoming school year.

3. Reminder that we need 10 People signed up on the waiting list to schedule a course. If you wish to take a course, you have to contact Linsay at (216) 459-2900 and put your name on the list, otherwise it will not be scheduled.

If you have any questions in regards to this year’s Courses, please call the JATC at (216) 459-2900.

4. The Trustees of the JATC wish to let you know of two new policies regarding Journeymen taking courses through the JATC. Please review the new policies before signing up for any course with the JATC. The Training Policies are listed below.

5. New Courses this Year -Call the office to sign-up and these will be scheduled as course(s) fill up. These are TBA Courses per #4.
a. Update to the 2017 Ohio Plumbing Code – 4 Hours
b. Navien Instant Hot Water Heater – Service/Repair – 4-8 Hours
c. Viega Qualification – Pro, Mega and Pex Press Fittings – 4 Hours

Journeymen Classes To Be Announced for 2017-2018
The following classes will be scheduled when the J ATC has enough
Journeymen signed up for the course. You have to call to sign up.

1. Harassment in the Workplace -4 hours – 1 night
2. Role of a Union Stewart –
3. Fire Stopping Qualification -Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals -4 hours – 1 night
4. Basic Computer Course
5. OSHA Crane Signaler Quali:fication-4 hours-I night
6. Confined Space -8 hours -2 nights
7. Trenching and Excavation -8 hours -2 nights
8. Backflow Certification -City and State -Fee ·
9. Cross Connection Survey Certification-ASSE-Fee
10. Medical Gas Certification 6010 -Installers -Fee
11. Medical Gas Certification 6040-Maintenance of Medical Gas Systems -Fee
12. Lead, Asbestos, Silica and Mold Awareness_-4 hours-1 night
13. Basic Electricity
14. Auto-Cad -I -8 spots Per Class
15. Aid/CPR
16. Cost of a Journeyman
17. Plumbing Service -Customer Service/Salesmanship
18. Plumbing Service -Drain Cleaning/Snaking/Locating
19. Plumbing Service-Water Heater Trouble Shooting/Replacement
20. Plumbing Service -Water Closet Repair and Replacement

All Math Courses are 4 hours each -1 night
21. Math for Plumbers 1 -Decimal Feet-Feet and Inches -45 offsets
22. Math for Plumbers 2 -45 Parallel Offsets and Grade (inches per ft)
23. Math for Plumbers 3 -Grade (inches per ft) and% Grade
24. Math for Plumbers 4 -T sq = A sq + 0 sq, Area and Perimeter
25. Math for Plumbers 5 -60 and 22 ½ degree offsets, Head Pressure and Height of
26. Math for Plumbers 6 -Finding Center to Center with Wye’s, 45’s and 90’s
27. Math for Plumbers 7 -Rolling Offsets, 60 degree Parallel Offsets and 45 degree Parallel Offsets around Square Columns
28. Math for Plumbers 8-Use of Transits/Laser Levels and Elevations
29. Math for Plumbers 9 -Hands review for Math for Plumbers 1-8

All Plumbing Code Courses are 4 hours each -1 night
30. Plumbing Code 1 -Vent Connections, Trap/Vent Distance, Ind. Vents and Common Vents
31. Plumbing Code 3 -Wet Vent Horizontal and Vertical
32. Plumbing Code 5-Circuit Venting
33. Plumbing Code 6-Combination Drain and Vent
34. Plumbing Code 7 -AA V’s, Island Fixture Vents and Interceptors
35. Plumbing Code 8-Waste Stack Venting and ADA for Plumbing
36. Plumbing Code 9 -Food Service Installations
37. Plumbing Code 11 -Approve/Disapprove and Drainage Sizing
38. Plumbing Code 13 -Instant Hot Water Tanks and Recirculation Pumps
39. Plumbing Code 14-Inspectors
40. Plumbing Code 15-Potable Hot Water System
41. Plumbing Code 16 -Solar Potable Hot Water System
42. Plumbing Code 17 -Potable Water System Sizing
43. Plumbing Code 18 -Natural Gas Pipe Sizing
44. Plumbing Code 19 -Single Stack Vent

Classes for Sept. 2017 – May 2018

September 2017

1. Open Welding -Limited Booths
a. Starting Tuesday Sept 12th and ending Tuesday Dec 19th-4:30-8:30

2. Plumbing Fixtures -2 Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Sept. 12, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 24, 31, Nov 7 and 14

3. Advanced Math-4th Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19 and 26

4. Advanced.Drawing- 3rd Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov 1, 8 and 15

5. Medical Gas 6010 Re-Certification 2015-Must sign up 3 weeks in advance – $49.00 fee

October 2017

1. Medical Gas Installers 2015 NFPA-6010 -Fee $115.00
a. Oct. 23, 25, 30, Nov 1, 6, 8, 13 and 15

November 2017

1. Confined Space Qualification -Limited Space
a. Nov. 7 and 14

December 2017

1.  Trenching Qualification
a. Dec 5 and 7

2. Medical Gas 6010 Re-Certification –Must sign up 3 weeks in advance – Fee $49.00
a. Dec. 4 and 6

3. Backflow Re-Certification -State-Fee $75.00
a. Dec. 11 and 13

January 2018

1. Open Welding -Limited Booths
a. Starting Tuesday l Jan. 9th through April 17th 4:30 to 8:30

2. Plumbing Fixtures-2 Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Jan. 9, 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 27, Mar. 6 and 13

3. Drainage and Code-4th Year Apprenticeship Course-Limited Space
a. Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 8, 13, 22, Mar. 1, 8, 15

4. OSHA 30-3 Year Apprenticeship Course-12:00-8:00 P.M.
a. Jan. 17, 31, Feb. 14, 28

5. Medical Gas 6010 Re-Certification -Must sign up 3 weeks in advance – Fee $49.00

6. Backflow Re-Certification -State -Fee $75.00
a. Jan. 29 and 31

February 2018

March 2018

2. Gas Installations -3rd Year Apprenticeship Course-Limited Space
a. Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4

3. State Backflow Certification-Fee $175.00 Total
a. March 26, 28, Apr. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16 and 18

4. Basic Trimble Operation -4th/5th Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Mar. 20, 22, 27 and 29

April 2018

1. Basic Auto Cad- 4th/5th Year Apprenticeship Course
a. Apr. 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, May 1 and 3

2. Foreman Certification – 4th/5th Year Apprenticeship Course·
a. Apr. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23 and 25

May 2018

1. Plumbing Service – 4th/5th Year Apprenticeship
a. May 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31

2. Medical Gas 6010 Re-Certification – Must sign up 3 weeks in advance­ – Fee $49.00
a. May 1 and 3

3. Backflow Re-Certification- State-Fee $75.00
a. May7 and 9


Signup Policy Deposit

All Journeyman and Serviceman who wish to enroll in a course that the JATC offers shall be required to provide the JATC office a $50.00 deposit in order to sign up for a course. The deposit will be refunded to the Journeyman/Serviceman when they have completed ALL of the course required hours as scheduled.

1. In order to enroll for a course(s) a $50.00 deposit per course shall be received by the JATC Office by cash, check or Credit Union transfer before that person’s name is put on the list for the course.

2. Once the deposit is received it will be held by the JATC Office and refunded back to the Journeyman/Serviceman within 7 days of the completion of all required hours of that course as Scheduled.

3. If a Journeyman/Serviceman does not attend any of the scheduled hours or misses any hours than the JATC shall keep the $50.00 deposit. This is to help offset the incurred costs of the course due to lack of students attending the course.

4. To be Announced Courses (TBA)-A $50.00 deposit is not due at the time of enrollment of the course but is due once the course is scheduled. If there are not enough attendees for the course who have deposited $50.00 for the course than it shall be rescheduled and all of the deposits shall be refunded.

5. Refund of the $50.00 deposit due to cancellation of the course by the JATC shall follow# 2 of this policy.

6. Refund of the $50.00 deposit due to cancellation by the Journeyman/Serviceman shall only happen if the JATC office is notified 7 days in advance of the start of the course.

Continuing Education Fee

All Journeymen and Servicemen shall pay a fee of $100.00 for their 8 hours of Continuing Education as prescribed by the current CBA and ISG regulations if these 8 hours are provided by the JATC after February 1st of each year. The intent of this policy is to encourage Journeymen and Servicemen to attend scheduled courses before February 1st in order to reduce the cost of added, outside of the JATC budget, courses and reduce the cost of cancelled courses or under attended courses.

1. In order to enroll for a course after January 31st of each year a $100.00 charge per course shall be received by the JATC Office by cash, check or Credit Union transfer before that person’s name is put on the list for the course.

2. Refund of the $100.00 fee to cancellation by the Journeyman/Serviceman shall only happen if the JATC office is notified 7 days in advance of the start of the course.